The Diabolo Player Tool Kit: 5 Must-Haves

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While you only need a diabolo, some string and a pair of sticks to juggle, you will need 5 more things to fully enjoy this hobby:

1. A pair of keys

You will need to tighten your diabolos at some point. It doesn’t matter if your diabolo is the best in the world, the vibrations of the string around the axle and the drops will loosen the cups.

This will make the diabolo unstable, it’s the main reason why a diabolo can wobble.

Depending on the brand, you will either two allen keys (5mm) or two socket spanners (9 or 10mm depending on your diabolo brand). Having 2, one for each side will make tightening so much easier.

2. A roll of diabolo string

You will need to change your string regularly, either because it got too old (when the diabolo climbs the string) or because it snapped.

There’s nothing more frustrating when you’re juggling than not having string when you need it. You’ll need to keep some extra string with you. Here is my recommendation on Amazon.

I always keep extra string with my diabolo gear, I already have it pre-measured so I just have to attach it to the sticks and keep my roll at home in a dry area so it doesn’t get damaged.

I have about 5 on me at all times except when I go to juggling convention, then I’ll carry about 10 just in case.

3. A pair of scisors or small knife

Any tool to cut your string is worth having on you, so you’ll be able to change your string when you need to.

I have a dedicated pair of scisors that I keep with my roll of string and I only use it to cut my string to size. Here is my recommendation on Amazon.

4. A lighter

After you cut the string, it’s best if you burn the end slightly so it doesn’t fray. It will also harden the end of the string so it’s easier to thread it through the stick’s holes.

Be careful: diabolo string burns hot, so if it catches fire, blow on it, don’t try to “pinch” the flame with your fingers. Wait a couple of seconds at least before touching the burnt end to avoid burning yourself.

I have a lighter that stays with my string roll and pair of scisors all the time.

5. A backpack

You will need a backpack to carry your gear around.

A normal sized backpack with a front pocket can easily fit 3 diabolos, your sticks and a water bottle, the tools and string roll can fit in the front pocket. Make sure the base of the backpack is wider than the diameter of your diabolos and you are good to go!

I personally like the classic Eastpak backpacks.

Final Thoughts

The keys, roll of string, pair of scisors, lighter and backpack are in my opinion the only must-haves you need to enjoy diabolo juggling fully.

For a list of nice-to-have things for diabolo, check out the gift guide for diabolo players.

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