Diabolo juggling may very well be the perfect hobby for you to get into. It ticks all the boxes for a great hobby:
- cheap
- easy
- portable
- a fun form of exercise
- good for your brain
- both relaxing and challenging
And if you don’t like it, it makes a great gift for kids.
So I strongly encourage you to give it a try!
Fun And Never Boring
There is a vast number of diabolo tricks to learn and you will always find something new to try. Even if you get stuck on a particular trick, you can switch to another one. It is literally impossible to learn all the diabolo tricks as new ones are created every day.
It also allows you to be creative. Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can create your own combinations of tricks and even create brand new tricks.
You can also express yourself by creating a routine and if you feel like it, even perform.
There are also juggling conventions you can go to, they are cheap and great fun. You get to meet new people who share your interest, learn a ton, enjoy shows and much more.
Cheap And Portable

To start, you only need a diabolo, a pair of sticks and some string (which is around 55$).
Put everything in a backpack and you can practice anywhere, indoors or outdoors… well, you’ll need at least a 2x3m (or 7x10ft) space to be comfortable.
Easy To Learn
You can learn your first 10 tricks in less than a month and get proficient in 3.
There are a ton of YouTube tutorials to get you started and also this website đŸ˜‰
For more, you can check out this post.
Great Physical And Mental Benefits
Diabolo juggling is good for the body and mind: it develops hand-eye coordination, better joints flexibility, resilience to failure,… just to name a few. For more benefits, read this post.
Juggling can be considered as a form of meditation : you focus your attention on what you’re doing, you need to be present and by that, I mean PRESENT ! You have to focus on the movements you’re doing NOW, even thinking ahead to the end of the trick can make you drop. There is no room for other thoughts.
Meditation is considered a type of mind-body complementary medicine. Meditation can produce a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind. During meditation, you focus your attention and eliminate the stream of jumbled thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress.
It Looks Cool
Let’s be honest, diabolo juggling looks pretty cool! Here is an example of what you can do: