Here is a list of all the documentaries about diabolo that I know of.
If I missed any other diabolo documentary, please share it in the comments!
Diabolo Dips! (1925)
This isn’t really a documentary, but the video has cool footage of what diabolo was like in the 20s, both in terms of gear and tricks .
[Decoding The Culture Genes Of China] Diabolo Playing
This is a short introduction to the part diabolo has in Chinese culture.
Diabolo Documentary Malaysia
A short documentary about the place of diabolo and diabolo teams in the culture of Malaysia.
This documentary also briefly introduces the history of diabolo.
Taiwan 1 The Practice Of Diabolo
Great footage of the MHD school of diabolo withgroud-breaking vertax player Alexis Levillon.
Stunts Giant Diabolo | China Documentary
A documentary about juggling with giant diabolos in China and an inspiring story about a passionate diabolo player sharing his diabolos and knowledge.
This is my favorite documentary of the list!
How elongated bamboo shoots are transformed into a round diabolo
Short video of classic bamboo diabolo creation.
Evolution Of Culture | Revolution Chinese Yoyo
A short introduction to the diabolo history followed by a group diabolo performance.
Learn More About The Diabolo World
Read these articles :
Interviews of diabolo players