This trick is an absolute must-know and you should learn the darkside catch on the right AND on the left.
As always the tutorial is described for righties so if you are left handed switch right and left in the step by step explanation.
Step By Step Explanation
1. Throw the diabolo on the side, shoulder high
2. Catch the diabolo, by wrapping the string around it. If you are doing a darkside catch on the right, your right hand goes around the diabolo in a clockwise motion. If you are doing the catch on the left, use your left hand to catch in an anticlockwise motion.
3. You are now in the darkside string position. In this position the acceleration and corrections are reversed.
4. To get out of this position, the easiest way is to throw the diabolo with your arms crossed : right arm under the left for a right darkside catch and left arm under if it is a left darkside catch. Then uncross your arms and catch normally.
What’s Next?
- Fritz release
- Coffee grinder
- Arm scisors
- Body scisors
- Tie scisors
- J whip
- Genocide
For more 1 diabolo tricks, check out the list of available tutorials.