Here is a list of 1 diabolo tricks and techniques that are available on this website
I have assigned tricks to levels according to the level of the prerequisites for the trick.
For example, the trapeze is level 2 because the prerequisites (the sun, the throw and catch, the waterfall) are level 1 tricks.
Bear in mind that the level doesn’t reflect the difficulty of the trick, but rather the speed at which you can start to learn it. For example in level 2, the infinite suicide will take way longer to learn than the cat’s cradle, but you only need to master tricks from level 1 to start to learn those two tricks.

Level 0
Total Beginner Must-Knows – Level 1
How to correct the tilt: tipping
How to correct the tilt: turning
Diabolo Tricks for Beginners – Level 2
Chinese acceleration
Between the arms sun
Back to front sun
Arm stall
V catch
Big sun
Tricks for Intermediate Diabolo Players – Level 3
When you reached that level, you can also start working on your 2 diabolo shuffle or vertax.
Al’s release
Grind toss
Coffee grinder
Round acceleration
Double slowcide
Arm scisor
Fritz release
Throw 180
Half suicide start
Infinite suicide
Snapping the violin string
Stomp elevator
Flux capacitor
Loop knot
Whip catch
Finger grind
Suicide wrap start
Tricks for Advanced Diabolists – Level 4
Arm orbit monorail
Arm back catch
Ping pong
Body orbit
Leg 180
Mini genocide
Suicide to half spaghetti
Golf whip
Tie scisors
Tie to magic knot
Cradle isolation
Floor half suicide
Infinite suicide magic knot exit
Finger grind to suicide wrap
Tricks for Experts – Level 5
Ollin kick up
Continuous mini genocide
Tricks for Masters – Level 6
Infinite suicide genocide exit
Rewrap mini genocide